2017 Reassessing the Chronology of the Mississippian Central Illinois River Valley Using Bayesian Analysis. Southeastern Archaeology. (By Gregory D. Wilson, Mallory Melton, and Amber M. VanDerwarker).
2017 - Mississippian Origins: From Emergence to Beginnings. In Mississippian Beginnings, edited by G.D. Wilson. pp. 1-28. The University of Florida Press, Gainesville. (by Gregory D. Wilson and Lynne P. Sullivan).
2017 - The Mississippianization of the Illinois and Apple River Valleys. In Mississippian Beginnings. edited by G.D. Wilson. pp. 97-129. The University of Florida Press, Gainesville. (by Gregory D. Wilson, Colleen M. Delaney, and Phillip G. Millhouse)
2016 - Long Term Trends in the Making and Materialization of Social Groups. In Rethinking Moundville and Its Hinterland, edited by V. P. Steponaitis and C. M. Scarry, University of Alabama Press.
2015 - The Functional Dimensions of Earth Oven Cooking: An Analysis of an Accidently Burned Maize Roast at the C.W. Cooper Site in West-central Illinois. Journal of Field Archaeology 40(2):166-175.
2015 - Incinerated Villages in the North. In The Medieval Mississippians, edited by T. R. Pauketat and S.M. Alt, pp. 99-105. School for Advanced Research Press, Santa Fe.
2013 - Maize Adoption & Intensification in the Central Illinois River Valley: An Analysis of Archaeobotanical Data from the Late Woodland Through Early Mississippian Periods (A.D. 600-1200). Southeastern Archaeology. (by Amber M. VanDerwarker, Gregory D. Wilson, and Dana N. Bardoph)
2012 - Living with War: The Impact of Chronic Violence in the Mississippian Period Central Illinois River Valley. In The Oxford Handbook of North American Archaeology. edited by T.R. Pauketat, pp. 523-533. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
2010 - Categories of Complexity and the Preclusion of Practice. In Ancient Complexities: New Perspectives in Pre-Columbian North America, edited by Susan Alt, University of Utah Press. (By Jon B. Marcoux and Gregory D. Wilson)
2010 - Mississippian Celt Production and Resource Extraction in the Upper Big River Valley of St. Francois County, Missouri. The Missouri Archaeologist 71:217-248 (by Brad Koldehoff and Gregory D. Wilson)
2010 - Social and Spatial Dimensions of Moundville Mortuary Practices. In Mississippian Mortuary Practices: Beyond Hierarchy and the Representationist Perspective, edited by Lynn P. Sullivan and Robert C. Mainfort, Jr. Pp. 74-89. University Press of Florida, Gainesville. (by Gregory D. Wilson, Vincas P. Steponaitis, and Keith P. Jacobi)
2010 - Community, Identity, and Social Memory at Moundville, American Antiquity 75(1):3-18
2008 - The Archaeology of Everyday Life at Early Moundville, University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa.
2006 - Square Pegs in Round Holes: Organizational Diversity Between Early Moundville and Cahokia. In Leadership & Polity in Mississippian Society, edited by B. M. Butler and P. D. Welch, pp. 43-72. Center for Archaeological Investigations Occasional Paper No.33, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. (by Gregory D. Wilson, Jon B. Marcoux, and Brad Koldehoff)
2001 - Crafting Control and the Control of Crafts: Rethinking the Moundville Greenstone Industry. Southeastern Archaeology 20(2):118-128.